6. Desert Dispatch

Wonder Valley / 2022
Newsletter Concept
While exploring ways to build community and create meaningful content that expands the Wonder Valley world, the Desert Dispatch was born. The dispatch is a monthly email campaign, a “hi dez, lo def, atlas, fanzine, and bulletin board,” of sorts with a focus on desert happenings in and around Joshua Tree that we launched in May 2022. Sections of the campaign include a list of local events, Critter Cam, Desert Street Snap (a fashion profile), Vortex Report featuring weird news and happenings, weather forecast, Moon Calendar with monthly tips, Trail Guides, Staff Picks, and more!
Social Strategy
On Instagram, the focus was to increase engagement, peak interest, and gain new sign ups. On stories, we feature a short story campaign. The first slide announces that the latest dispatch has landed using a feature like polls or sliders to encourage engagement with followers. We’ve used these tools to gauge how many of our followers have seen the dispatch compared with how many aren’t signed up to our newsletter, to see which sections our audience is most excited about, and other times to share excitement with low lift sliders. The second slide always features a sneak peek where we choose one section from the month’s dispatch on stories. The last slide encourages sign ups with a link to easily sign up (or tune in) to the email list.
Since we feature desert events in the newsletter, we find those featured get excited and share about the dispatch on social organically. Their sharing furthers our connection to locals and audiences of like-minded desert brands while expanding our reach organically in a fun and unexpected way.

The Vortex Report, Volume 5.![]()
Events from the Halloween issue.

Events from the Halloween issue.